Thursday, October 25, 2018

TCIS Championship regatta

We raced in the TCIS Championships on a Thursday afternoon (our first weekday race!) We were assigned three boats (Red 1, 2, and 3). Jake stayed in Red 3 all afternoon and sailed with Maria and Mark, finishing all their races mid-fleet.  Here is their line:

Josh started in Red 2 with Chase. Others rotated in the crew slot. Charlie and Margaret finished the day in Red 2 for the last two races (actually, DNF the last race due to heading to the homecoming game.) Here is the line for Red 2:

Charlie and Nolan skippered in Red 1 with various crews. Here is the line for Red 1:

 Our total score was 281, placing us seventh of the seven schools:

I took lots of video and will be uploading clips over the next few days.

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