We have been given permission to use the Naval Station facilities at the sailing center. I will be moving boats from school to the Base over the next few days. I hope to start practice next Wednesday, August 21st, weather permitting. The plan will be to meet at school in the parking lot at 4:00 p.m. I will drive students to the Naval Station using one of the school's mini-buses. We should be returning to school between 6:30 and 7:00. Please e-mail me if you plan on attending: bousquej@chsvb.org.
Students need to bring a type III PFD (I recommend the Medalist at West Marine, now on sale: https://www.westmarine.com/buy/west-marine--medalist-life-jackets--P008_240_007_508?recordNum=1 ). The school will provide helmets and pinnies.
Remember, any student trying out must have a current physical on-file with the athletic director. A blank form is here: file:///media/fuse/drivefs-8cc012d06750c25900dc53f9bdd8f48b/root/Physical%20Form.pdf
You may not participate unless your name is on the list. If you do not know, feel free to e-mail me.
The planned practice schedule will be firmed up next week, depending on the number of participants. The regatta schedule will be pinned down on the 20th, when all the VISA schools will be meeting. I anticipate the racing schedule will be similar to last year's.
Tryouts/1st practice postponed until Friday.